Jane Agadia
2 min readDec 27, 2023


My plans aren't going as planned!

I looked at my dairy, looked at my life(figuratively) and then looked at my diary again.

Oh well, it's another end of year and according to my plans, I'm supposed to have at least 5 million naira in my bank account, and 10 million naira worth of assets and investments in my portfolio.

But hmm! I barely have up to fifty thousand naira in my account!
With zero investments or assets.
Wait I don’t even have a portfolio 🤦

How did the year zoom off without bagging any listed goal😭

I stared blankly at my account balance, and the figures sent mocking shock waves into my spine...

Sighing heavily, I leaned back in my chair and wallowed in self pity.
Maybe I wasn’t meant to be rich
Or it could be family problem or village people
Or is my life now a cruel joke? 😩

And then it dawned on me. Why do I actually pressure myself?
Why do I rate my successes on the amount of money in my bank account?
Why do I look for someone or something to blame when things don’t go well?

The pressure to achieve these monetary milestones has blinded me to the beauty of the process, the friendships, the networks and the new skills acquired this year.

Every setback has been an opportunity to sit-back and draft out better strategies.

Every challenge has taught me resilience, adaptability and patience.

So while the growth process is on, I have to sit back and make realistic plans.

If I'm going to make N10 million naira in a year, I think I should break down the goal into weekly and monthly achievable targets.

I'd have to come out from the regular "delululu" and focus on ways to actually build my finances.

I need to develop capacity that'll enable me achieve my goals and not just rely on chance and luck.

With a renewed perspective, I picked up my pen and began to jot down not just numbers and targets but the experiences, the lessons, and the unexpected detours that the year had offered.

I’d build better relationships next year, meet amazing mentors, grow my business and invest heavily in knowledge!

So, let’s make strategic plans for 2024 now!

Thanks for reading 😊



Jane Agadia

I'm a Frontend developer and technical writer. I enjoy writing, telling stories, teaching and coding. Let's connect- https://www.linkedin.com/in/jane-agadia